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- Short: CS1x, Midi and XG editor for Octamed SoundStudio
- Uploader: ruzani@hron.fei.tuke.sk
- Author: ruzani@hron.fei.tuke.sk
- Type: mus/midi
- Version: 0.1
- AMC's CS1x and XG editor v 0.1
- Author: Stanislav Ruzani ml (A.M.C.)
- Magnezitarov 1206/8
- 05001 Revuca, Slovak Republic
- e-mail: ruzani@hron.fei.tuke.sk
- Introduction:
- I have buyed my own Yamaha CS1x last month; so I have started to looking for some
- good prog for this super synth. But I have found only programs for editing
- performances,not for editing other parts...
- So I started to make my own piece of software..
- And because I am a proudly user of Octamed Soundstudio,
- my prog supports this superb tracking ware.
- Features:
- -you can edit bank,program number, reverb,chorus and variation send for every
- part, volume, panning, portamento time, attack,decay and release time, receive
- channel,cut-off, resonance and reverb parameters (last two only in XG mode)
- -it is usable for ALL XG instruments (tested on CS1x and on my MU-15,it uses
- XG sysex messages...)
- -usable almost for any synthesizer (bank select,prog#,attack,decay,volume,reverb,
- chorus,variation (if you have more variation efects,only the first),portamento
- time, cut-off, resonance;
- -you can select WHAT of this stuff will you use, so the amount of data
- during realtime midi transfer is minimal
- -And the best:
- ---it means: no switching of "midi active" button!!!
- Installaton:
- Simply copy all files where you want.
- Requirments:
- -Octamed Soundstudio v 1.03 (free on Aminet) (not strictly required, you can
- edit messages (switching off realtime transfer) and save as sysex and load to another sequencer)
- -rexx-mast must be running! (this prog uses AREXX port of OSS to transfer all data)
- -for comfortable work, you need MCP (full version from Aminet), and you must have
- activated this two patches:
- 1. "reqtools patch" (gadgets "arp" "req" "intuition" have to be checked)
- 2. "requester timeout" (in requester timeout you need
- to press "New" and to type in Title gadget: "Octamed#?" in Bodytext gadget "Where
- should I place#?" in Gadget number "1" and in Time "0")
- This will close all unwanted Octamed gadgets in sysex-message window
- -and the most important is some synthesizer...
- Usage:
- Double click on "Start-ed" icon, window of my editor will appear.
- Menus: message/open - opens message from disk (message contains
- settings for all parts)
- message/save as - saves message
- message/send - send message through Arexx port to Octamed and the to
- your synth
- message/quit - *****
- sound/send/only channels 5-16 - special feature of Yamahas CS1x and CS2x's
- performance mode - parts 1-4 are used for performance
- parts 5-16 for multi settings. So in performance mode
- you DONT have to send data for parts 1-4
- (for other synths turn this off)
- sound/send/in realtime - every parameter change is send to Octamed
- via Arexx immediately
- -when off, setup is only stored in memory
- soumd/send/sound name to OSS - if you load or choose new sound,
- name of this instrument will be set
- in OSS window
- sound/befor quit/send message - sends message to Octamed before quit
- (you don't lose your data, if you
- have forgot to send or to save all message before prog ends)
- Main Window:
- Load - loads sound preset to current part
- Save - saves current sound preset
- Send - sends current sound preset to Octamed and to synth
- (use this function to make more presets for some part:
- select message in OSS midi message window and press
- this button - sound in actual part will be send to
- this position. During playing the song, use 10xx command,
- where xx is number of your message minus 1 to send
- current preset to MIDI.
- This is very useful, because Octamed cannot easily handle
- banks an other presets. So you have only to send this
- short message and all will be OK.
- Remember- reduce the amount of transmited Midi data
- to minimum, the smaller message is, the less time
- needs Octamed to send all to Midi.
- In extreme cases big amount of dat can stop playing
- for a little time, what is unwanted...)
- Part (slider) - selects Part number
- MSB (slider) - selects Most Significant byte for BANK#
- LSB (slider) - selects Least Significant byte fo BANK#
- PROG (slider) - selects prog. number
- Param (slider)- changes value of parameter selected in listview
- Type - you can type here the value of Param. slider to
- quick change of this value
- Send (checkbox) - selects, whether the actual parameter will be send.
- NOTE: disable ALL, you don't need to reduce
- amount of Midi data.
- (Program sends only what is selected)
- Two listviews - 1., - selects parameter type
- 2., - selcets sound (I have add banks for XG & CS1x,
- if YOU want to add your own banks for your synthesizer,
- please send me this 2 files:
- =in the first will be names of instruments
- (see banksxg file in /data drawer)
- =and in the second file will be : 1.byte - bank select MSB of
- instument at line 1 in first file
- 2.byte - bank select LSB of
- instr.1 in first file...
- 3.byte - program number of
- this instr (decreased 1!!!!! Please, take care of this!!!!!)
- 4.byte - MSB of instr. at
- line 2 etc.... (for all instruments)
- (see file /data/bankxg )
- -so, if you have in the first file names of 100 instruments,
- the lenght of the second file MUST be 100*3 bytes
- Or you can make presets in my prog and save it.
- TIPS: don't load saved sounds directly to Octamed, because
- it will be used only for part, which was saved.
- (if you save sound, which was set for part,for example,
- 6,and you want to use it for other part (8), simply
- load this sound preset to part No. 8 and then press
- "SEND" button or "SAVE"button, if you want to
- save it to disk.
- T H I S P R O G R A M I S F R E E W A R E !!!!!!!!
- This program is freeware,'cause I have made it for all Amiga musicians!!!!
- But, please, If you use this program, and If you like it, or
- if you want to implement some new function, please, write to
- me at : ruzani@hron.fei.tuke.sk. I want to know, how much
- people use Amiga for sequencing!
- Use this program at your own risk!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!BUG REPORTS WANTED!!!!!!
- Message for english-spoken people: BIG SORRY for my bad English,I hope,
- you could understand, what is this "manual" about!!!!!